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Wilhelm BODEKER is the father of Heinrich Wilhelm Michael BODEKER most likely born in Hamburg, Germany estimated to be between 1780 and 1795. atDNA testing is pointing in the direction of a woman named Maria Elizabeth Heinscholtz who was born in Hamburg during 1798. Her mother could have either been a Bodeker and an aunt to my Wilhelm Bodeker or a woman in a previous generation who married a Bodeker. There are 7 descendants of Maria Elizabeth Heinscholtz who have an identical relationship to myself and my mother. Unfortunately, only a trip to Hamburg is going to net any real results. But, there has been a lot of destruction of churches and central archives during the Hamburg great fire of 1842.
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Charles VAUGHN

Charles Vaughan was born illegitimate to Sarah Vaughan in the Workhouse of St. George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey, England. He had one brother, whose life, at this point, is unknown. Sometime after his arrival in Canada, Charles altered the spelling of his surname from Vaughan to Vaughn. Any information regarding his brother and his reputed father would be most appreciated.
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